Monday 14 January 2008

Poker Freerolls

Welcome back everyone,

Hope you are all OK. I have had an interesting first few weeks of 2008 with working extensively on my house, a big pain and a lot of hard work as I have to work in the fay then go home and work on the house at night. I'm pretty tired atm and I will be just be happy to move in and get it over with.

Not managed to play any poker on account of being swamped with work to do but when the house is done I will be in a much better position for poker playing and will likely have my mates around again for a few poker tournaments.

I have another mini-article for you today, the series is actually drawing ti a close now so I will be going back to writing full length articles for you all. Todays subject is poker free rolls, they are a special kind of tournament hosted by online casinos and poker rooms where there is a cash prize but no entry fee.


Poker freerolls can be the best method of experiencing online poker without losing money. It is like a tournament where no entry fee is required. It is a free Texas Hold’em poker tournament that offers cash prizes. For participation some freerolls have a requirement of “player points”, while some require the player to make a deposit with that specific poker room. As far as winning free money is concerned, freeroll poker tournament has become very popular among the online poker players.

It is not necessary to invest money to play this tournament. The best thing about such tournaments is that the moment a player signs up in order to become a member; he or she can start playing the game even before any deposit is made. Players can choose from plenty of poker freerolls. Daily poker freerolls are provided by most of the major poker sites on the Internet, so that the players can enjoy several poker games on a daily basis.

There is a lot of variation in the standard of competition that is found among the freerolls. Good players can be found in some of the big freerolls and such games are not easy to win. Mostly the top players do not get attracted by the online poker freerolls because the money as prize is not enough to make them sit for three hours and play.

Freerolls are hosted by most of the poker sites and players can easily win cash prizes without making any sort of investment. Prize is put up for the top finishers and anyone can join these tournaments. The range of such cash prizes can be from 50 dollars to 5000 dollars. Freeroll is the solution for all the players who are not comfortable playing for real money and do not have the financial backing to cover any sort of loss.

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