Monday 29 October 2007

Roulette Strategy

Hello Blogsphere!

As I said I have come with an article for you all this morning, it's about roulette strategy and will be an especially helpful for beginners. It does go into the differences between American and European roulette, something you defiantly need to know if your taking a gambling holiday this Christmas. The article has been granted to me by WassOnline, please check out their site if you have time and join in their poker community.

I have not been especially well this weekend, far too tired and colded up. Hopefully will be better soon :( I am going to shop for bits and bobs for the house tonight but going to try and get home quick and get some sleep.

Hope you all remembered to change the clocks!


Learning to play roulette is not very difficult. But coming across a strategy that is really good is not easy. The reason for this is because manipulation is not much of a possibility in a game of roulette. Being a rigid and non-interactive game, lowering the house edge in order to win the game is not possible. Many people will give you as many strategies, but you would do good to follow the pointers given below to increase your chances of winning.

It would be better to choose the European Roulette wheel in place of an American Roulette wheel. The former has 37 pockets while the latter has 38 pockets. Again, the American Roulette has an additional pair of 0’s. All this has made the American version more difficult to win than the European one which has only one zero and it’s unpopularity is apparent among people in North America.

Following the “En Prison” rule is the second strategy you could follow. This rule states that a player may place an even-money wager, with the ball falling in the 0 pocket. In this case, neither will the bet be given back to the player nor will that particular betting round be over. This particular state is known as ‘staying in prison’. The wager will be kept by the board till the next spin. This next spin will be the decider of what will happen to the bet. In the case of the player winning this spin, he will get his money back, without earning anything extra. On the other hand, if the player loses, then he loses his bet money altogether. Again, if this spin brings results in the ball falling in the 0 pocket, then the betting money will be in the board’s custody and the whole process continues till it’s fate is decided. Keep this strategy in mind if you want to have a better chance of winning.

The next strategy you can use at a casino is to find ‘surrender’. This rule says that after the spin if you see the ball falling in the 0 or the 00 pocket, you will not completely lose the bet but will get back half of the total amount.

And last but not the least, you should decide on the sum of money you will be playing before starting. If you have reached that limit, it’s best to quit instead of carrying on in spite of losing.

The above strategies will help you evolve into a better player and increase your chances of winning.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

A New Poker Place

Hey all,

Hope everyone is well. I am currently de-stressing after a day of not-so-fun filled frolics :)
I bring good news however. My good friends over at WassOnline have given me the latest info into their latest project, WassPoker!

WassPoker is a piece of internet poker software that is soon to be launched and filled with eager players. It has been produced to give online poker players a chance to play entertaining poker games in a reliable, appealing environment. To celebrate it's launch WassPoker are holding a special $500 freeroll tournament, it's pre-register only so hop over now and get your name on the list to win $500 for free.
WassPoker will also be committed to holding fantastic events like their opening one on a regular basis and have already rumored additional launch offers with total prizes over $2,500!

The great thing about WassPoker is that it has been built with community ideals that have emerged from WassOnline. This means there is very much an emphasis on building a comfortable community for all players. Dave 'Doc' Sharpe (marketing manager) mentioned himself that they have been working especially hard to make players feel "at home".

I have already signed up so I will see some of you online :) The first $500 is mine!

In other news, I have been enjoying a few games of real life poker with my friends. We played Tuesday an I am happy to announce I won for a change :) pulled off a pretty good comeback to. I was definitely chip looser after the first half an hour but I came back with a few excellent hands (one in which I totally bluffed my brother to beat his straight). I also had a few lucky river cards, but I suppose you have to every now and again right?

Good luck to everyone this week and don't forget that excellent offer from WassPoker!


Tuesday 16 October 2007

Hey Guys,

Busy week and i'm still suffering from some major tiredness :) Got an article draft for you all though it's a very brief guide to some Texas Hold'em rules. This one is not really finished but it's not going much further for now :)

As always this was published with permission of WassOnline. I enjoyed a great game in one of their free roll poker tournaments recently, was a lot of fun even if I didn't win. If you didn't already know WassOnline actually organize special free roll poker tournaments for it's active members to play and win in.

No-one else can join these games so you have a got chance of winning as long as you are a little versed in the world of online poker, head over there and join for more information and/or carry on reading for my article :)

One of the well known version of poker played in casinos is Texas Hold ‘Em or (texas holem). It is both a fast-paced game and can be played with many players. Texas hodlem is a betting game, where the basic actions and the winning hands are similar to that of normal poker.

To play this game some simple basic rules should be followed. Firstly, before dealing any cards a predetermined amount of money is put into the pot by the 2 players sitting on the left side of the dealer. The cards are shuffled by the dealer and each player is dealt 2 cards with their face down which is called ‘hole cards’. The player sitting on the left of the dealer starts the betting. The players can call, raise or fold when their turn comes. The dealer, to ensure that no cheating takes place keeps aside the topmost card of the deck. Then the subsequent 3 cards called ‘flop’ can be placed on the table with their face up. After this the 5 ‘community cards’ is placed on the table by the dealer with their face up. The players can use this 5 ‘community cards’ with their 2 ‘hole cards’ to make any combination that they desire. Their goal is to make the best possible hand. Then the 2nd round of betting begins. The topmost card of the deck is kept aside by the dealer and the subsequent card called the ‘Fourth Street’ is placed on the table with its face up. The players again can call, raise or fold during their turn. The 3rd round of betting then begins. Again the dealer keeps aside the topmost card and places the subsequent card called the ‘Fifth Street’ or the ‘river’ on the table with its face up. Finally, the best possible 5 card poker hand is created by the players. This is done by making a combination of the 5 ‘community cards’ and the 2 ‘hole cards’ whose identity is known to the players. After this the 4th and final round of betting begins. At the end of the round, the remaining players in the game show their hands, beginning with the player who made the first bet or the player who made the last raise. The player creating the best hand is the winner.

Though the basic rules of poker are simple, it is important to develop an intuition to understand if the opponents are bluffing or if they really have a good hand. Another good trick to put opponents in a wrong track is by not showing one’s emotions. But having fun is the most important rule of texas holdem.

Thursday 11 October 2007

House News

Hey Guys,

A bit more of a personal update today, I will have some more poker and gambling articles for you either tomorrow or Monday :)

I got news that my mortgage was accepted, good news now all I have to wait for are the crappy solicitors :'(

Going to try and get some poker played this weekend, maybe even try some HiLo since I have not really played that competitively yet. We'll see, good luck to all poker players out there.


Monday 8 October 2007

Do’s and Don’ts in Online Casino

Hey Guys!

Sorry for the absence but I have been slightly bogged down with all the house stuff in my spare time and have not had time to blog! :'(

Anyway, i'm back for now and ready with some fresh content. This article is related to casinos and covers some of the basics of what to do and what not to do.

As always the generous WassOnline have agreed to let me post the rough version on my blogs for free for no charge so if you have chance check out their excellent casino reviews as a thanks, you are likely to find somethign useful there too as WassOnline has some exclusive deals with the big online casinos for bonus codes.

OK, article is below enjoy and let me know what you want the next one to be about.


The wide array of games played in casinos is all created in such a way that they favor the casino owner rather than the players. You may think that winning is easy, but the fact is that 99% of the players don’t win. A player has to be conscious with his money while gambling or else he will end up losing everything he has.

Learning to play a game correctly is very important. Some games can are easier to learn than others. Not understanding a game makes a player make mistakes. In the case of gambling, this is where they earn their money from: from your mistakes. You need to be knowledgeable about the various aspects of casinos so that you can enjoy the house edge at the lowest point. Again, setting a target that is realistic is also important because that way it will be possible for you to reach your target more frequently.

You need to follow a few do’s and don’ts in whatever version of the game you are playing, offline or online to ensure that you don’t end up losing more money than you win.

The Do’s

  • Before starting to play, decide on a budget you will bet on.
  • You should the proper techniques, the in’s and out’s of the game you will play at the casino.
  • Set a target that is realistic enough to achieve.
  • Decide on a time limit you are going to gamble in a session and don’t exceed it.
  • You can either join the ‘Casino VIP’ or the ‘Comp Program’.
  • You can occasionally they out games like ‘Progressive’ because they have a pretty high prize money.
  • Take care to stay in your limits. It doesn’t pay to go overboard.

The Don’ts
  • Don’t run if you have lost.
  • Don’t play if you are drunk or very tired.
  • Don’t participate in a gambling session of a game you can’t understand.
  • Don’t spend all your money in one session.
  • Don’t think that can be the winner in every game you play.
  • Don’t gamble the money which you cannot afford to lose.
  • Stay away from games that involve you betting a huge amount of money.
  • After you have won a round, don’t put the whole winning amount in the next session up for betting.
  • Don’t increase your bets if you are losing.
Stick to the above, and see yourself be a winner at the casino!