Monday 8 October 2007

Do’s and Don’ts in Online Casino

Hey Guys!

Sorry for the absence but I have been slightly bogged down with all the house stuff in my spare time and have not had time to blog! :'(

Anyway, i'm back for now and ready with some fresh content. This article is related to casinos and covers some of the basics of what to do and what not to do.

As always the generous WassOnline have agreed to let me post the rough version on my blogs for free for no charge so if you have chance check out their excellent casino reviews as a thanks, you are likely to find somethign useful there too as WassOnline has some exclusive deals with the big online casinos for bonus codes.

OK, article is below enjoy and let me know what you want the next one to be about.


The wide array of games played in casinos is all created in such a way that they favor the casino owner rather than the players. You may think that winning is easy, but the fact is that 99% of the players don’t win. A player has to be conscious with his money while gambling or else he will end up losing everything he has.

Learning to play a game correctly is very important. Some games can are easier to learn than others. Not understanding a game makes a player make mistakes. In the case of gambling, this is where they earn their money from: from your mistakes. You need to be knowledgeable about the various aspects of casinos so that you can enjoy the house edge at the lowest point. Again, setting a target that is realistic is also important because that way it will be possible for you to reach your target more frequently.

You need to follow a few do’s and don’ts in whatever version of the game you are playing, offline or online to ensure that you don’t end up losing more money than you win.

The Do’s

  • Before starting to play, decide on a budget you will bet on.
  • You should the proper techniques, the in’s and out’s of the game you will play at the casino.
  • Set a target that is realistic enough to achieve.
  • Decide on a time limit you are going to gamble in a session and don’t exceed it.
  • You can either join the ‘Casino VIP’ or the ‘Comp Program’.
  • You can occasionally they out games like ‘Progressive’ because they have a pretty high prize money.
  • Take care to stay in your limits. It doesn’t pay to go overboard.

The Don’ts
  • Don’t run if you have lost.
  • Don’t play if you are drunk or very tired.
  • Don’t participate in a gambling session of a game you can’t understand.
  • Don’t spend all your money in one session.
  • Don’t think that can be the winner in every game you play.
  • Don’t gamble the money which you cannot afford to lose.
  • Stay away from games that involve you betting a huge amount of money.
  • After you have won a round, don’t put the whole winning amount in the next session up for betting.
  • Don’t increase your bets if you are losing.
Stick to the above, and see yourself be a winner at the casino!

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