Friday 14 December 2007

Poker Tournaments

Hey All,

The temperature is beginning to drop in England this week, I spent a good 10 minutes thawing my car out before I could drive it twice already (would have been 3 days in a row but I had a day off work).
Not fun in any way.
Top top it all off it's that time of year where it's dark when I get up and dark when I get home, I barely get to see the daylight :'(

At least Christmas is on it's way, really looking forward to a few days off and seeing my family. I don't get much chance to see them since everyone is always at work so it will be nice to catch up.
Lots to do on our new house to though so I doubt there will be much rest.

Today's article is about Poker Tournaments. It is to introduce you to the great atmosphere of a live tournament and will also help you to understand some basic rules and tactics for attending.
It is part of the mini article series I have been writing lately so it's not too long a read for you. You will find a more in depth guide to live poker tournaments online.


Poker tournaments can be quite exhilarating, but like most of the exciting things in life, it can also be very scary. There is no other thrill like the thrill you get when playing at one of those big money poker tables. Most players, who are faced with a real poker challenge, find it very hard to handle the pressure of the game and of playing for so much money.

On the other hand, playing online poker can be just as exciting, minus the pressure. If you are an avid poker player, then there are hundreds of different poker sites on the Internet that offer poker tournaments as well. Most of these online poker tournaments can be a lot of fun, and what’s more, you’ll get the chance to make big money here also! Usually, online poker tournaments tend to have big pots, making it a lot more to fun to play at these tournaments.

While there are many poker tournaments that offer mixed games, like the HORSE events that combine Texas Holdem, Razz, Omaha, Stud and Stud Eight, most of the other tournaments feature matches of one form, like the Omaha, Texas Holdem, Seven-card stud, or Seven card stud hi-lo. Both, the Texas Holdem and Omaha tournaments are generally offered in no-limit, fixed-limit and pot-limit forms.

Playing at poker tournaments is very different from your regular poker play. Usually, the poker play at tournaments takes a much longer time than your regular poker games. While some poker tournaments are rather small and consist of only one or maybe two tables, other poker tournaments can be quite large consisting of numerous tables. If you want to play at a poker tournament, then you have to make sure that you are fully prepared for the long haul. Once you’re there, there wont be much time to run around, so make sure you are comfortable and ready so that you can finish the game quickly.

Another thing you need to be careful about when it comes to playing at poker tournaments is the way you behave. It is very important for you to follow the rules of the concerned tournament otherwise you will be asked to leave the tournament. Make sure are always polite and kind to all the other players that are participating in the tournament. Remember that a poker tournament, whether it’s a live one or an online, is no place for profanities and a bad attitude. Everyone must be treated with respect, just the way you would like to be treated and the game will be a lot more fun for everyone!

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