Monday 10 December 2007

Online Poker Vs Offline Poker

Hello Everyone,

Hope everyones weekend was good, I certainly had an eventful one.
We had an office Christmas party, lots of fun and some great food but also very embarrassing for certain members of the team. Anyway the less said about that the better.

There will no doubt be a lot of people gearing up for their own Christmas do's over the next few weeks, I think the best advice is to just ban cameras, they are annoying and don't do anyone justice.

I am updating the mini-articles today with a new one about the differences between online and live poker. This article will be of use to players who have only played one form of the game and need to know how to prepare them selves to play the other.

Personally I do prefer live poker but online poker has a hell of a lot of advantages and convenience. WassOnline actually host their own live poker tournaments in professional casinos around the world. I would highly recommend you take part in such an event but make sure you have some practice first!


With the rise in the popularity of poker in the last two years, poker lovers have now got several alternatives to choose from while considering the place to get their poker fix. Most people love the casino culture, but many prefer playing at home too. It depends upon different individuals and their preferences, as both have their own pros and cons.

While distinguishing between online poker and offline poker, the first factor to be considered is the incidentals involved. It involves expenses that go outside your bankrolls and which you may incur while playing poker. Incidentals are one of the most determining factors due to which many poker players prefer to play online than offline. It includes the transportation charge, food and drinks that are often purchased when people go to casinos to play poker. Besides, it also involves parking fees and tips. However when you play online, you need not spend on extra things like these, as you can easily play online poker for hours from anywhere and besides you also need not pay a virtual tip. In casinos, though it is not mandatory to give tips to anyone, but it is a courtesy to tip your dealer or the waitress serving cocktails each time you win a pot. It is observed that parking attendants, chip runners and floor people also offer better service when tipped, which usually tends to add up by the end of the evening.

Online poker also offers the benefit of data management as compared to offline poker. In case of a casino session, you may vividly remember the highlights, the times when you went wrong or did a brilliant job, but you would probably not remember the exact play of each hand. Besides if you play continuously, chances are that you would not be sure what you figured about certain opponent in case you play the person again. But in case of online poker, you can easily feed input notes on your opponents that will be there if you log in to play again.

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