Thursday 27 September 2007

Lifestyle Update

Not too much to say this week because I have been very busy organising things for the house, I'm happy to inform everyone the sellers accepted our initial offer so we will be getting the ball rolling soon, hopefully everything will have gone through by novemberish so we can be decorated and in for Christmas.

Not much in the poker front this week since I was so busy organising stuff but I amnaged to get a game in last monday. Was OK but we didn't really get more than one game because we started late at night. I shit out this week and came second to last, mostly because I was taking huge risks which were only paying off every one in ten times, sometimes the luck just ins't with you.

I found a cool feature the other day on the Wass Site you may like a look at. Excellent poker glossary for new plays and pretty handy for more experienced ones as there were quite a few terms in there I didn't know at all

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