Thursday 27 September 2007

Lifestyle Update

Not too much to say this week because I have been very busy organising things for the house, I'm happy to inform everyone the sellers accepted our initial offer so we will be getting the ball rolling soon, hopefully everything will have gone through by novemberish so we can be decorated and in for Christmas.

Not much in the poker front this week since I was so busy organising stuff but I amnaged to get a game in last monday. Was OK but we didn't really get more than one game because we started late at night. I shit out this week and came second to last, mostly because I was taking huge risks which were only paying off every one in ten times, sometimes the luck just ins't with you.

I found a cool feature the other day on the Wass Site you may like a look at. Excellent poker glossary for new plays and pretty handy for more experienced ones as there were quite a few terms in there I didn't know at all

Friday 21 September 2007

How to Win Money at Online Poker

Hello Everyone,

Here is the rough draft of my latest article "Online Poker: How to Win Money Sitting In Your Living Room"

It is just a really quick guide to playing online poker and it's value on the Internet today.


The recent years has seen the increase of the popularity of the game of poker. The entire credit for the increasing popularity goes to its easy accessibility on the internet. People can easily log into any of the numerous sites that has dedicated for online poker and start playing the game from their living room itself. Everyday free roll poker games are played online where entry fee is not required and the players have no risk of loosing their money. In case of online poker the players can win millions of dollars from a particular game as the amount of money involved is phenomenal. So the question arises that how can it be easy to win money by playing online poker?

A great amount of money may not be obtained from free roll poker, but normal online poker can change the fate of a player. However, playing poker in a real room with real players is totally different from playing online poker. People who do not perform well in traditional setting, there is a fair chance of them to perform well in case of online poker. The reason for this is the anonymity that the internet offers.

When a player decides to win a significant amount of money by playing online poker, it should be kept in mind that they should first learn how to play the game of poker. The positive points of online poker is that the player is not disturbed by the shouting, drinking and the lights of the live joint and he stays focused on the game. The second important factor is the strategy to follow. But even more important is to stick to that strategy. The player should have a clear idea of the profitable time for him to go all in and the odds he has to face when clearing the pot. It is good to have fun and win, but the player should not make a bet that he cannot afford. A player who wishes to become a pro can follow the different poker strategy guides that are available. The player can improve his game and win more times by following the tips and hints given in the guide.

The increasing number of online tournaments that are played startles the mind of the players. People make a bet of million dollars on this game. As a huge amount of money is involved there will always be some player who will be better than others. However, the players can always improve their playing skill by following the tips.


Hope you like :) Remember the WassOnline poker forum guys let me put this draft up here for free which is always good of them.
Have a great weekend guys I am going to be putting lots of effort into sorting the house out.


Monday 17 September 2007

A little Update

Hello All,

Hope everyone is well, I am major tired today at work but never mind :)

The house we went to see over the weekend was very nice, big rooms and nice double garage but could do with a spring clean and decorating. Not a problem I don't mind getting my hands drity (as long as there are no spiders!). We are going to view it again and decide if we want to put an offer in or not.

Didn't get chance to play any poker this weekend but we are playing friday next week so that should be a laugh.

I am currently working on another poker article which I expect to upload by the end of the week, until the hope you all enjoy your first day back at work :P


Thursday 13 September 2007

A History of Poker

Hello All,

Everything seems to be going OK here at the moment, tired as hell from squash last night but hey that's how it goes. Weather seems to have taken a turn for the worst, not the ebst news when the weekend is on the way but maybe it will get better. I have another house viewing Saturday to look forward to, a bigger semi than I am in now.

Got a nice article for you all regarding the history of poker that I did for some people I know. I rewrote it and thought I would place it on here for you all to see :)


Poker is considered to be most popular among the different card games played in the world. This game is not only fast- paced but also fun- filled and it can be enjoyed by many players together. How the game of poker is still a mystery. However, people say that this game began more than 10 centuries ago. Since then, there have been a lot of changes in this game.

It is believed that the Chinese were the first to play the game of poker that goes back to the 10th century. In the 12th and 13th century an early form of the poker game was played by the Egyptians. In the 16th century the Persians used to play ‘Ganfija’ which was a version of poker. In the 18th century ‘Poque’ was played by the French which was considered its national game. The game played by the German was called ‘Pochen’. Both ‘Pochen’ and ‘Poque’ are said to be early versions of the game of poker. From the year 1526 the Spanish started playing the ‘Primero’ which is considered to be the ‘poker mother’. This is said to be the first version of poker as it has direct similarities with the modern poker. The Spanish knew that in spite of having poor cards the opponents could be deceived by using the concept of bluffing and calling high stakes.

The writings of Jonathan H. Green in 1834 provide the earliest written references of the game of poker. This game was referred by him as the ‘cheating game’. But on realizing that his writing was the only written evidence of this game, he decided to name it ‘poker’. However, the origin of the word ‘poker’ is contradictory. The word poker is derived either from French ‘poque’ or the German ‘pochen’. It is often believed that it may be derived from the Indian word ‘pukka’. It is also believed that the word poker is derived from the slang word ‘poke’ which is generally a term used for pickpockets. Even though the origin of poker is uncertain this one of the most poplar card game in this world.

The present poker scene is dominated by three games which are the 5 card draw, the 7 card stud and the Texas Hold ‘Em. The most prestigious event of the game of poker that attracts players from different parts of the world is the World Series of Poker. Poker is a simple game that has and will continue to attract players. By playing poker people have and will continue to win money.

If you want to learn to play poker visit WassOnline, a fantastic poker community that I mentioned before.

Monday 10 September 2007

A Weekend of Poker Fun

Hey All,

Enjoying the nice weather in the sunny Midlands for a change :)
Not too much has happened this weekend, had a nice steak while watching the match, quite impressed with the squads performance's this time but I think they still need to pull their socks up. As usual Owen is so hit and miss (literally) I just don't think we can rely on him but with all our other strikers out what can we do? Still had a nice bet on England winning the three games :)

Anyway back to the blog subject! I had my mates over for the footie and we carried on with some poker afterwards. Quite an interesting few games. I didn't come out the winner this time as I lost going all in on a full house but my friend had a better one :( Just goes to show you that no matter how good your hand it can be beaten (except in a few circumstances). Hope you guys learn from my lesson :)

We also had quite a lot of fun playing new market, a betting game that involves choosing "horse" and trying to get rid of all your cards and play the "horse" cards :) I will work on getting you a full rules list for those who don't know how to play. If you don't know how to play texas holdem poker though you can learn to play poker here.

Good luck, have a nice week guys.

Friday 7 September 2007

A Cheerful Google News Mail

Hello All,

My first official post :)
I subscribe to a google news feed for my chosen hobby (as everyone should) and was happy to see one of my favorite poker community sites featured! recently relaunched their site/community and had put out a press release, they had even quoted some of the members i speak to on a daily basis, it was quite a buzz, kinda like seeing your mum on the local news :) I wasn't personally quoted but maybe next time my words of wisdom can go flying around to the thousand corners of the internet. You can find the press release here.

I also went to see a house today, i'm looking for a bigger place. Ended up being really disappointed as it was a lovely shaped house, nice rooms etc but very badly kept. Never mind hopefully I will see a new one soon.

Tuesday 4 September 2007


Welcome Everyone!

This is my blog devoted to my life, my hobbies and above all else online gambling!

To introduce myself here is a brief history :)

Name: Frank Woodford
Born: 1969, England
Now In: Nottingham, England
Married: Yes with one son

Childhood: I grew up in the mining town of Warsop, it's fairly small (especially from a worldwide perspective) and there wasn't that much to do but it does have some nice places to run around and the town of Mansfield is a short bus ride or long walk away when I needed some shops to spend my hard earned cash on.
My dad was a typical miner, often working very early to very late but he still found plenty of time at the weekend to do some Father/Son stuff. I have a little sister which meant very often in my younger years my Dad and I went out of the house on a saturday to leave the girls together.

This would often entail a trip to the local bookies with my Dad and his friend David. They would have small bets (usually on opposite results!) as a past time and to hopefully boost the samll amount of disposable income they had. Football and Horse racing were their main vices and we spent many hours shooting at the radio and cursing referees we never saw. On a few special occations (such as my birthday) we took trips to local premiership side (although not anymore!) Nottingham Forest to watch one of the games. These were lots of fun and I often had lots of bets with my Dad about the out come of such events.

I think the big step that really got me into gambling was an event when I was around 11. As a treat I was often allowed to choose one horse in the Grand National and my Dad would put a very small bet on for me once I had chosen a horse from the paper. This particular year I had seen a horse that drew my eye almost as soon as I opened the tabloid he was dressed in blue with white stars and reminded me of the american flag. He was a bit of an outsider (30:1) but he managed to pull of the win and when my Dad came home with my winnings it was one of the funnest moments of my life.

Since I was old enough to bet I have placed small (not dangerous) bets on different sporting occations and along the way discovered something which gives me even more pleasure than normal betting. Poker.

It seemed poker smashed in popularity in the UK in the 90's and then again to an even higher extend in the early 2000's (probably due to growing internet popularity). I learnt to play as a student and I had many great nights playing for beers and bags of crisps or even slices of cold pizza!

There is lots more to my story but thats more than enough!
I will be updating soon with tips, tutorials and general chat, feel free to comment and suggest any sites that offer similar services or contact me directly if you want a review :)
