Tuesday 4 September 2007


Welcome Everyone!

This is my blog devoted to my life, my hobbies and above all else online gambling!

To introduce myself here is a brief history :)

Name: Frank Woodford
Born: 1969, England
Now In: Nottingham, England
Married: Yes with one son

Childhood: I grew up in the mining town of Warsop, it's fairly small (especially from a worldwide perspective) and there wasn't that much to do but it does have some nice places to run around and the town of Mansfield is a short bus ride or long walk away when I needed some shops to spend my hard earned cash on.
My dad was a typical miner, often working very early to very late but he still found plenty of time at the weekend to do some Father/Son stuff. I have a little sister which meant very often in my younger years my Dad and I went out of the house on a saturday to leave the girls together.

This would often entail a trip to the local bookies with my Dad and his friend David. They would have small bets (usually on opposite results!) as a past time and to hopefully boost the samll amount of disposable income they had. Football and Horse racing were their main vices and we spent many hours shooting at the radio and cursing referees we never saw. On a few special occations (such as my birthday) we took trips to local premiership side (although not anymore!) Nottingham Forest to watch one of the games. These were lots of fun and I often had lots of bets with my Dad about the out come of such events.

I think the big step that really got me into gambling was an event when I was around 11. As a treat I was often allowed to choose one horse in the Grand National and my Dad would put a very small bet on for me once I had chosen a horse from the paper. This particular year I had seen a horse that drew my eye almost as soon as I opened the tabloid he was dressed in blue with white stars and reminded me of the american flag. He was a bit of an outsider (30:1) but he managed to pull of the win and when my Dad came home with my winnings it was one of the funnest moments of my life.

Since I was old enough to bet I have placed small (not dangerous) bets on different sporting occations and along the way discovered something which gives me even more pleasure than normal betting. Poker.

It seemed poker smashed in popularity in the UK in the 90's and then again to an even higher extend in the early 2000's (probably due to growing internet popularity). I learnt to play as a student and I had many great nights playing for beers and bags of crisps or even slices of cold pizza!

There is lots more to my story but thats more than enough!
I will be updating soon with tips, tutorials and general chat, feel free to comment and suggest any sites that offer similar services or contact me directly if you want a review :)


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